Saturday, August 30, 2014


Pray for peace you get war. The time is now for the biggest fight ever in yours and my life. Never fear death or dying just not trying.  THIS MOMENT WE OWN IT! Time to fight back and take back what is ours. Ride or die time ya'll. 


If life is what we make it, why is mine pure hell? I am tired of not being able to do what I want and need to do for these kids of mine. Frustrated does not begin to cover how I feel. The government tells me I cant do what I need to do. DCFS tells me I have to do it. I ask how and I get shrugged shoulders. WTF am I doing wrong? I dont deserve all this blame I'm getting I at least try. I watch my kids like a hawk. I dont let them wander and wonder why there dont answer there phone when I call. I KNOW EVERY MINUTE OF EVERY DAY WHERE THEY ARE!!! Can you say the same for yours??? If not dont judge me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


In a world where chaos rules there is no such thing as peace. Wishful thinking sure, peace no such luck. Its just another word like love and hate, life and death.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Just Because

Figured I post just cause I can. Things are actually going pretty good right now. Still looking for work though :(

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


I find myself yet again wishing some one would find me. Wishing someone could give my past lives the peace I need. Wishing and hoping one day this will happen


Open my mind and you will find a world of crazy
Open my heart and you will find it broken
Open my soul and you will find it lost
Open my body and you will find it broken too
Open me up and you will find a whole world of crazy, faithless pain with in me.

War zone 2

I live in a war zone. If its not the kids kiling each other its me and my other half. If its not verbal is physical. Its not fun here 75% of the time, becuase there is a fight going on. I am so sick of living in a war zone.

One cry

A cry for love
A cry for help
I'm all for the two birds one stone thing this is like my moto of my life
So a cry for love is also a cry for help

Head games

In my head there is a war
A constant battle between good and evil death and life
That kinda shit its like my mind cant make up its self and I'm just along for the ride. And what I ride it has been


Anonymous bitch you have officially pissed me off. Pretending to know me HA. You have no clue what I have done and am doing. You say I creeply stalked to of the men in this blog you are sooooo wrong. Sure I will admit to maybe stalking one but his wife and I worked it out. Now Carrot top the one I talk to daily you could be more wrong! I challenge you to come out with your name I want to know whom this person is that knows me so well. Or you are the chicken shit stalker and no more comments from you will be posted. I do have a guess to whom this is and since my first guess was wrong it leaves one person. Carrot tops ex! Whom I might add begged him to fuck her the first night they met!!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The men of this blog

I had some one make a comment about the guys I mention in here so here they all are and there is more than 4.
Chandler Reed: My friends husband

Carrot Top: my ex and still friends

Mark: My other sometimes better half sometimes not

Scott aka Scooter: A old friend of mine whom I havent spoken to in years and one of my muses

Kevin Pittman: Another muse whom a few of these blogs has been written for

Craig: My dear friend that lives Down Under

Jeffery: My birth father whom I am looking for

Have I missed anyone??

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Soap box

This is me just bitching about what I see everywhere. Ok yes I am a parent of 4 kids but as a parent I gotta ask myself and others how can we raise our kids in this world? Mental health has become a fad kids killing kids on top of it. I Love my kids but wish I could raise them somewhere else because the world I see is NOT the one I want for them not at all. I dont let my kids watch Walking Dead or play Black Ops cause I know its not good for them. But to see and read how kids are rape-ing another kids and getting away with it cause they are just kids is not cool. No parent should let there child go to the park by them self even if the child has a phone. I have seen 7yr olds ridding around town and his mother texts me "have you seen my kid?" WTF people get off your ass and take you kids to the pool, park whatever. Dont let them go by them self. I had well the oldest of the group was 13 breaking into a empty house right next to me at 10:30 at night last night.

Hooked and booked......well almost

I went out today stoped at many different stories. Came home went to head out again and just as I left the neighborhood I get pulled over by the 5-0 aka police. The officer asked me if I stole a cigarte case for all of $2 outta the smoke shop. Hell no I did not. I bought one and he saw that on tape but it looked like I stuck one in my back pocket too. I aint dumb enough to steal a $2 thing. I am a thief but not a dumb one. Lol people that steal stupid shit should be caught and busted but that wont be me.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Under my skin

Ok I admit that comment on the blog post titled Tiff got under my skin. I will admit that, but I am NOT afraid of what anyone thinks or feels. I have a feeling I know who wrote that comment and I emailed that person. I hope I am wrong to be honest. I value that persons thoughts but I also thought they had enough balls to say it to my face like they wanted me to do for them. So if I am wrong would the chicken shit that did say that tell me who there are. Here is my email address if you don't want to do it publicly

Comments, thoughts etc

I will POST any comments sent to me unless its spam. Good or bad shoot em my way and I will add em. I am glad to see that people do read this besides the 2 I know for sure on. Thanks Jacs and Ben later ya'll