Friday, December 25, 2015

Why am I different to you

I think I know why I am treated differently.....u bkame your self for what I have become, a user. You blam yourself cause u started with you. I am different cause u feel responsible for what I have become. Guilty so when the others are here and u get mad at me cause you started me not them.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Wolf the immortal

You are immortal I hope you know this Master. I sit next to you writting this realizing it myself for the first time. You can never die for wevthe mortal wont let you. You will live with in us long after your body has passed.


I know when your gone your gonna take a huge chunk od ne with you. I loved youbas best youvl would allow me which wasnt much, ya know. I know I know it was for my own good,  so you said. It didnt make it any easier. You have taught me alot I wont forget I swear it. Never a day will go by that you wont be in my thoughts and prayers mt Master for ever.