Monday, September 29, 2014


There is something calling me. Wanting me to go North. Right now I am about ready to. My master is getting ready to leave its pure chaos at my house and neighborhood. I am tired of it all. Why North I am not sure. Yes when the time comes and my master calls for me to come fight with him I will be ready but until then I think I need to escape for awhile. I want for peace to befall my home and I am thinking if I remove the chaotic element in my home there will be peace. So someday soon I am going to pack a bag, take my bike and go North, till I am called.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Peace 2

Peace can not exist, without its counter part chaos. See without both there is no balance one has to have its opposite to exist. I for example am darkness but I have yet to find my counter part the light. Craig you say I need to embrace the light, I cant. I am sorry about that luv.

Your death

I have said this before when you pass the Earth will bleed. Now I can add more to this vision, when you pass it will rain fire and blood. Thinking to myself it makes sense cause your favorite color be blood red. You will reach your mound and you will have fun I can tell this the way you talk about it. For all those on your bad side ya might as well off yourself before this happens..............cause you aint gonna wanna live then. ROFL

Frustrated to hell

Trying to piece together what is left of my fractured mind. Its not working lol. I have been on edge for at least the last 3 days cause I know something is coming. What I don't know and I really don't want to know. I fear the end of something maybe someone is what is bothering me. I am not truly sure. I hope to the Gods I am wrong about who is leaving this Earth. But if I am right look out.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

the true me

Wolf wants me to be my self when I am with him. He says "if you are not your self you are lying to me and you". I like that saying alot. So today I'm gonna show him my "true" self. 

Wolf 2

Thinking I'm falling for you daily. Wanting never to return to the war zone I currently live in. Cant find my voice to speak the truth cant find my guts to do anything to help myself. Hoping he will not run you off like my other friends. You mean alot to me and I just cant say it. 

Yellow eyed demon 2

Found out that the yellow eyed monster of my dreams is Wolf. Showing me his other side the one you dont want to met. He says he showed this because he felt he had to show me what I was getting into. I'm glad he did. The reason I now know it was him because he had the exact picture of his laptop