Tuesday, July 30, 2013

My Death My life

My death My life

As the knife tears though my skin and as the blood flows outta my wrists I think about what I am again giving up. What I am destined to repeat once again. As the blood flows faster I think about starting it all over again.  You see I am a suicide destined to repeat my life till the day I die over and over again. Sure I can change somethings but not much and not how it ends. Every time that is the one thing that will never change how and when I die. Every time you come in the room its too late I am already gone. Gone and starting over this misery called life.  Ha what a life I live repeating the same bullshit over and over. The same fights, same abuse, the same everything with no hope to change things. I wish for a new lease on life how can I change this? I start to feel myself fade away once again. Nothing ever changes and nothing ever will. I lay back as the last few drops start to fall and close my eyes. No death is not like a warm welcome blanket its cold and dark and frightful. I have done this so many times I know what happens next, as I wait to be re-born I notice something is different. I am not dying I see the end but am being pulled back this time.
My life can start over for once in a good way

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