Monday, July 28, 2014


Well it seem I cost a friend another friendship. I feel bad about it truly because he seems to have really cared for her. I didn't know certain details about there relationship. And I said somethings to her after there were broke up. I feel really really bad that this happened. Ben and Tiff I hope you can forgive me.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you should quit running your mouth to people. You seem like a chicken shit stalker that has nothing better to do than run her cocksucker. You've got blogs that are categorized with three guys names, but a husband who is abusive.

You're suicidal, got a bad relationship and out of control kids. Why not focus on bettering YOUR life, and minding your own damn business? Get rid of some of the drama in your life...maybe you won't feel so shitty. Also, karma is a bitch. Sounds like your getting what you deserve.

Smalls said...

You know what I like your honesty, even though you hide who you are. I value all thoughts and opinions.

Unknown said...

ASR definitely did NOT write this. I don't hide for nothin' or nobody, and I hate posting anonymously. I say what I mean and mean what I say and I'm brutally honest. If I tell the truth then why hide it?

To the hypocritical douchebag who wrote this, go the fuck on somewhere! No on needs your stupidity, and quite frankly you seem like a waste of time and space.

Plus, how are you gonna call someone a chicken shit, but hide behind the internet?! You, sir/ma'am are a fucking idiot.