Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Confession and prediction

This is what WILL happen I hate to say this but it will.  {He comes to our door in tears.  “She took off with everything. I know she did not like you guys but I got over it. I am moving back home with my family.  My girls are gone her dad says he does not have a clue where she went, but I don’t buy it for a minute.  I just wanted to say sorry for all the shit she caused.”  “What do you mean she is gone with everything?” I ask him.  “She took everything outta the apartment, clothes, my dog tags, my navy ring everything.”  He replies.  “Hey um before you go dude, I need to say something, just don’t go have me thrown in jail for it alright?” I say. “No I wouldn't do that you guys didn't do that to me and I owe you for that one.” He says. “Well Amanda didn't take everything, ya know. I hate to say this but I had a feeling she was going to do this long time ago, so I may have taken I few things just in case I was right.” I reach into my pocket and give him his navy ring and one out of two of his dog tags.  “What, when, how?” he asks. “Hey you used to bitch about Ella and Ben never taking care of their stuff, and yet you don’t even realize your stuff was missing!? Ha.” }

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